靳东,蒋欣,李宗翰,李乃文,左小青,赵子琪,傅晶,陈冰,宋允皓,王梓权,高照清雅,牛莉,王一楠,王丽云,刘威,吴冕,李强,李泰,柯南·何裴,蒋君,王策,彭婧,常波,翟曜,怀宝鑫,李峰,张尔涵,周乐,孔令君,丹尼,少帅,张琦,茹常虎,宁小花,史磊,郑舒环,张芝之,冯天骏,姚兵,刘巍,孙乐天,张弛,郑小毛,孙燕燕,单宝中,于军,舒宇歌,杨硕,李国玺,易上歆,冯鼎儿,王豆豆,Osadchaya Tat iana,SOPHIACLAIREDIB,NormanMOEL,KlishinSergei,NayikaTho
our job is not to trick them or manage them or make them fall in line, our job is to offer refuge from the bullshit, to level with them. if you're hoping that just by getting rid of him you're gonna stop what's going on outside, they gonna see right through that. 每种对民粹的迎合,都是在操弄和贬低人本身。